Post 8- Your favourite subject this term

I was in a basketball course a few years ago .. I really liked the sport and I had fun doing it, so I found it looking for it. At the beginning it was all very difficult, I got tired easily, we made all kinds of plays, from the end of the court to the basketball hoop. They did us endurance tests, to be able to run from side to side and not get tired, they also evaluated our jumps, how we jumped towards the hoop and how high we got. The class was divided into different sections, such as: -Physical resistance -Jumps to the hoop -Pass between partners -Points I really liked the basketball course because I met people who are my friends today, the classes became more fun and educational with them, in addition to having more people I know. After this course, I began to have a healthier life, every time I was going to eat something delicious, I thought and said "no, I must take care of myself for tomorrow's game", and thus I put fast food aside, to be able to improve my physical...